JUNE 28, 2025
Karisa Raines Scholarship Fund
Lilah Smith Safe House

Tee Time 10 am unless field size surpasses 40 teams
Entry Fee: $200 per team
Format: 2 Person Scramble
Food available on course
Entry Forms and rental cart reservations must be turned into the Pro Shop. Payouts to be determined by field size.
Flighting will commence once all score cards are turned in.
Gary Raines (432) 386-5443
Ethan Ezell (432) 290-5331
Desert Pines Golf Course
(432) 888-3338
1572 Blaine Mc Callister Loop
Fort Stockton, Tx 79735
Donate using PayPal or CashApp
Support our goal of providing scholarships to Fort Stockton athletics students by making a donation of any amount!
You can donate using any major credit card.
Become a Sponsor
All Sponsorships with exception of Hole Sponsor include one free team entry.
Platinum: $1,000.00
Gold: $750.00
Silver: $500.00
Hole: $100.00
Karisa's Story
On March 15, 2022, while returning from a Golf Tournament in Midland, TX, Karisa, 5 of her teammates and her coach lost their lives when another vehicle crossed the center line and hit their van head-on. Thankfully, two of her teammates survived after being airlifted to Lubbock,TX.
This annual tournament is in memory of all of those lost as well as to the two survivors and other teammates who were not on this particular trip.
All funds received through donations and golf tournaments will be ustilized to fund an annual scholarship for a deserving High School Senior from Fort Stockton, TX as well as the Lilah Smith Women’s Shelter.
Karisa had 4 primary passions in her life. They were;
1. God her Faith and her Family
2. Her Education. She was in her Senior year at University of the South West pursuing a degree in Forensic Biology.
3. Golf. An avid golfer, she had played since she was 12 years old and loved all of her teams.
4. The Lilah Smith Women’s Shelter. She had been employed there for 3 years during her summers and Holidays.
All donations help us in keeping her memory and the memories of those she loved alive.